Create Electronics Equipment at Home: Digital Caliper Battery Hack

13 April, 2016

Digital Caliper Battery Hack

Short description:
Digital calipers beautiful, but their limited battery life can be frustrating. Battery can be found easily enough, but if you're in the middle of a project, you do not run out and buy two packets like a home only to realize that when you are late you still want to get to the end of time.

A simple modification you can significantly improve battery life, as well as the AAA cells, which you probably have around the house anyway to be able to use.

What you'll need:
I do not want to do this is a revolutionary hack - you do not need a lot, and I'm sure many of you have already done this. But a battery that has run into trouble, I'll show you that running from the store and getting a fresh battery as far as it will take time, so you might as well just want to hack them now!
Digital Caliper Battery Hack
Digital Caliper Battery Hack
Some digital calipers and you will have one of our AAA battery holders. Battery holder and battery power so you are coming randomly from the calipers will not be able to stop, turn on / off button has a convenient on.

Putting it together:
The first thing you need to do is change a single battery in the battery holder. If calipers 1.5V, so a single cell model to AAA. You can also use one AA battery holders, but the extra power and size will not be a huge benefit. I have seen so far, with the constant use of a single AAA battery that lasts for several months, but it has not run out yet, so I can not be completely sure it lasts a long time.

Anyhow, battery holder can accommodate a single cell, we all need to add a wire to one of the battery will be:
Digital Caliper Battery Hack
Digital Caliper Battery Hack

Now, the wires connecting the digital calipers. To do this, we can remove the little plastic door where the coin-cell battery, and the battery holder where the coin-cell battery is supposed to go to the ends of the solder. 'Bottom' pads, and the red wire (positive), and other pieces of metal on the side of that coin-cell battery, the black wire (negative), connect:
Digital Caliper Battery Hack
Digital Caliper Battery Hack

The battery door will not fit, so I modified it a bit by lopping off a corner so that the wires can exit cleanly. Just snip off the battery door with a small angle as shown below. On the other hand, since it puts a tab on the left side you want to do this.
Digital Caliper Battery Hack
Digital Caliper Battery Hack

Now that the doors are trimmed, you can put behind the battery door and route the wires through the opening. Here's what it looks like coming out of the wires:
Digital Caliper Battery Hack
Digital Caliper Battery Hack

Now I just calipers use a bit of double-sided tape on the back of the battery holder, and we are done! They do not fit in, extended battery life, but I think it was a good trade-off. Anyway I usually have them permanently on my workbench. Here's what they look like when it all came to an end.
Digital Caliper Battery Hack
Digital Caliper Battery Hack

And to open the battery case, just press down on the edge and pushed backwards; You should open up just fine. Do not get the case back to the same thing in reverse.
Digital Caliper Battery Hack
Digital Caliper Battery Hack

Want to know more about how your calipers work, check out this video. Now changed with calipers to measure the clothes!

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