Create Electronics Equipment at Home: Boxing Timer

19 April, 2016

Boxing Timer

Boxing and Making Noise:
If you want a boxing match, you know that two people 'box' round each other. For training, boxers, boxing, so their bodies during a bout 1 minute to 3 minutes, and the rest can be used as a war on the base at the same time, use a timer.

Our native format in front of me, the timer re-creation of the Academy. At the gym, and a common boxing timer is used to keep the bulbs burn out. The LED lasting at least 30 times longer than regular incandescent bulbs is unacceptable in this day in age. This is common in timer also expensive ($ 99) is!

Boxing Timer
Boxing Timer
Some days it is painful an engineer. Looking at this hunk of metal, I know that there is a microcontroller inside, a loud speaker, a couple of switches, some lights, and a whole lot of empty space. ..
This is a pretty straight forward project! Forgive me, but I tend to use a lot of things around the office that are available. And since this project was meant to be an example, I will use all the elements of the hole.

I hope you can use in your own projects in this part of the project:
  • Boxing Timer Eagle file
  • Boxing Timer Firmware
  • STK500 / Arduino serial bootloader
  • Boxing Timer Schematic
Boxing Timer
Boxing Timer
As you might guess, but I, ATmega168 (for the last year or so, my favorite) is based on the Arduino LilyPad 8MHz internal oscillator, along with serial boot-loader. what is this? Serial Arduino bootloader loader is based on the STK500. This is me, but instead of using a hardware programmer will be able to ATmega168 reprogram over a serial link. This code development cycle is a little easier, and users Arduino board can be used with their environment.

So there Micro, 5V supply, the painfully bright LED, and there are three rocker switches. A rocker switch (on / off) is used for other switch round length (2 or 3 minutes) and the rest of the time (1 minute or 30 seconds) is used to control.

Programming the timer using the FTDI Basic breakout.
Programming the timer using the FTDI Basic breakout.
I tried to increase the volume of the speaker এলএম 386 1W audio amplifier used. It's loud and annoying, but enough for a gym environment is not very loud. My supply voltage is only 9V (12-15V would be better), and I believe the speaker is a bit small for my application.

LED requires a maximum of 80 mA of power, so I used a basic N PN 2N3904 transistor circuits. I 20mA LED normal use, I would have driven directly from AVR - but this LED is bright.

Boxing at the gym, these are hardly the timer is turned off, so I chose to use LED instead of incandescent bulbs. Green, yellow, and red indicates where the round timer. Large 10mm LED, 80mA LED is. I covered LED development, they burned my peripheral vision so badly! For actual use, I try to disperse some of the LED light cracked the top of a Dremel tool. It helped, but LED is still very strong.

Boxers in different bags and 3 minutes, 1 minute off, their bodies get used to exerting power for a certain length of training for the equipment. When the yellow LED goes off
3 minutes 30 seconds of round (warning at the end of the round) left. The three lights, a loud tone, along with boxer at what point they have to learn in a given round.

The Box
The Box
Enclosures difficult to change! Luckily, there are tutorials we refer to Casey. Using a Dremel tools made all the difference. SparkFun pretty soft plastic enclosures make it easier to drill / cut / submitted to the beat. It's obvious that I need more practice, but in the box. I have three spots cut out switch, and the buzzer sounds coming from the increase in the number of holes drilled.

And there you have it - a boxing timer. This is an excellent example of a microcontroller can be used for the project. In this case, the microcontroller reads a couple of switches, which makes noise, different LED control, and his life is just "delay_ms" counting the cost of the majority.

I hope you can use in your own projects in this part of the project:
  • Boxing Timer Eagle file
  • Boxing Timer Firmware
  • STK500 / Arduino serial bootloader
  • Boxing Timer Schematic
Nathan Seidle

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